Wednesday, September 6, 2023


Something bad has happened with Blogger (or is it with Blogtouch, the app I've been using to create posts?) All my photos have disappeared for my Camino and Kimberley trips earlier this year, going back to April 9th. This is a short test to load a post directly into blogger, together with a couple of photos:


  1. Your post is here, Margaret. I post directly to Blogger, not to an app. I've never had a problem.

  2. I left a comment during your Camino, when I was catching up on your posts, pointing out that your photos were disappearing after 30 days. Not sure if it's the same thing still happening (I'm more up to date on my blog reading at the moment!)

  3. Yes, 30 days seems to be a cut-off point for photos. Thanks for alerting me to this. I notice that another lot of photos have disappeared from the post on August 12th. What to do??
