Sunday, October 29, 2023

Japan: First Day

I arrived in the Land of the Rising Sun feeling quite sleep deprived. The sun rose too bright and too early over the wing on my side of the aeroplane at about 4.00 am. I was sitting next to a woman even older than me, who was travelling with her daughter. They were about to go on a cruise. They ordered tea and biscuits at that unearthly hour, so I asked for an orange juice and there was no going back to sleep after that. Breakfast came two hours later. The strange thing about the flight from Singapore, which departed about midnight, was that nothing was served immediately. The lights were dimmed and everyone was supposed to go to sleep. No trays of assorted drinks came round as per usual on Singapore Airlines. I must have been rather dehydrated by that time. Both flights were packed: not a single spare seat. In fact, my elderly companion described an incident on their flight from Perth, whereby a man who was seated next to a grossly overweight passenger and demanded to be moved!

Narita Airport is a long way from the city. It took me almost an hour on the Narita Express Train. I alighted at Tokyo Station and then took a taxi to my hotel, the Metropolitan Edmont. It was early in the morning, too early to check-in, so I did a few things in the airport first. The best thing was a delicious cappuccino at Starbucks, followed by the purchase of a Japanese charging adapter for my iPhone.

My hotel is pretty large, but it has everything I need including a heated toilet seat and various flushing possibilities that I haven’t investigated yet. My room mate, Ruthe, arrived yesterday and has gone out for the day sightseeing. So I was able to have a couple of hours in bed and take a shower in peace. Then, I was longing for a beer; there is a small convenience store in the lobby which provided me with one:

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