Saturday, November 11, 2023


Sayonara, Japan

What a great holiday!

I just read on another blog (thank you, Weaver) that Barbara Streisand, now 81, was asked what she intends to do with the rest of her life. She said she was going to have fun: that was her priority from now on. I am now almost 79. Well, I certainly had a lot of fun in Japan. It is a fascinating country and we did much more than I've had time to describe in my blog. Our hosts, Arne and Carlos, were a pleasure to travel with. Our local guide, Mayumi, was a fount of information, so friendly and helpful, and tireless in her efforts to ensure that we all had a good time. She was brilliant! 

But, what really made it FUN was my room mate. What a risk it is to share a room with a stranger! This time the risk paid off in spades. Thanks a million, Ruthe.

See more about Arne and Carlos here