Tuesday, December 5, 2023

Albany shopping and Lake Sepping

Monday morning arrived and it was time for a stroll around Albany, looking at all the shops and trying not to buy anything. Temptation was too much for me and I found a small black Pierre Cardin handbag, a cross-body bag in a perfect style for me. C threw my old one in the bin: it really was old and an embarrassment every time I went to the hairdresser!

The shops were getting geared up for Christmas. We admired this red and white display in the bookshop.

In the afternoon we went on a "bird walk" around Lake Sepping. These were the birds expected:

The track was like a maze, cut through the dense undergrowth, with the occasional bird hide hidden inside it to enable a view of the lake.

Ibis in the middle of the lake.

Flower of the day.

Grass of the day.

Pea flowers creeping everywhere.

C bought this denim skirt half-price at Rivers.

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