Sunday, June 16, 2024

Family bushwalk

We haven’t done much bushwalking lately. Then C suggested a hike because E has been in her room all day, studying for exams nonstop. We drove to Ellis Brook, which used to be a regular on the calendar of the Bushwalkers Group.

When we arrived at the parking spot, I was surprised at all the new infrastructure that had been put in: new bitumen and lines for the parked cars, new steps, lots of information boards, toilets, BBQs and coloured posts for the various trails. We started on the Blue Wren Trail (coloured blue) and then followed the Waterfall Trail (coloured red) upwards.

It was a bit early for wildflowers.

I just saw these trigger plants.

Plenty of fungi, though.

I was hoping to get a good photo of the waterfall after all the rain we’ve had recently, but it was not to be:

At this point, I decided to turn back and let the others do the full walk around the top of the falls. I was feeling my age!

From my look-out, I could see Perth in the distance. The woman is crossing one of the new bridges on the trail.

The rocks showed off their lovely colours.

Droplets of water remained on the bushes.

Lunch near the carpark in the sun.

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