Tuesday, September 17, 2024


The Old Convent is a strange place to stay. There are 11 rooms in the main building, with 3 shared bathrooms. Nobody likes this arrangement, which is why they are so cheap ($100 a night). That’s OK, but my room is too near the dining room and cooking smells permeate the corridor at night and hang around all day: not cabbage, but frying. It’s like living in a Fish and Chip Shop! You get what you pay for!

My little cell had a splendid TV, but the workings of the remote were a mystery to me and I had to summon one of the waitresses to help. She was a lovely Irish girl who was as mystified as me, but managed to fathom it out in the end. I was finally able to watch the ABC news. Tonight they are serving roast lamb, my favourite, so I’ll give it a try.

Today has not been much of a success in my hunt for wildflowers. Driving north was not enjoyable because of all the road trains travelling in both directions. You have to pay attention to give them enough space. When there is an oversized load with a pilot vehicle, you have to pull off to the side altogether. In the end I turned back to Dalwallinu.

Here are some of these monsters parked at Wubin and Dalwallinu:

This is a shot of the Old Convent this morning:

… and the old train station late in the afternoon:

After eating this roast lamb, I forgave them all the cooking smells!

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