A few months ago, iinet announced that they were terminating their e-mail service and gave everyone the option of transferring their accounts to The Messaging Company. I agreed to go ahead with this, as it was the only way to retain my e-mail address, which was known to a lot of people. So far, so good. Then last week I received a warning that my account had been closed because of "suspicious activity". They said I needed to change my password as a matter of urgency. This was easier said than done. After several attempts to negotiate their complicated system, without being able to speak to a real person, I decided I had enough and just wanted to cancel. I have been a long time customer of iinet, ever since they started up in someone's garage in the 1990's. How could they allow this to happen?
I googled some reviews of The Messaging Company, just out of interest. The following is one of many:
Can't Rate My Experience - The Five Stars Don't Go Low Enough
Never in my life have I had to deal with a company that is so incompetent. It is now seven (9) days without e-mail on all accounts. I am unable to correspond with anyone via e-mail and now for seven (9) days I have missed out on important business correspondence. There will be no doubt that I will have to pick up on loss of income as a result of this fiasco. It feels to me that the company wants to work their way into receivership. They're doing a good job of it. I just don't understand how a company can be so hurtful. There is now well over 30 bits of correspondence between myself and the company as result of this techical support issue and a previous one. I have only been with the company for less than 3months and have had more problems than I have had with my previous provider in 30years.
What a shambles!
Shambles, indeed. Hope it is resolved sooner than later.