Monday, September 21, 2015

More Spring doings

The Sunday Bushwalk was an easy one: less than 10 kms from Point Walter along the river to the Zephyr Cafe and back again. It was sunny but quite windy. We had lunch in the park near the Zephyr and posed for a group photo.

Group photo after lunch

Out on the spit

Back at Point Walter, we went out on the spit. The wind was even stronger there, and even the black swans were keeping their heads down! We had to watch for the tide coming in as the spit gets covered in places.

Black swans in the wind

On Wednesday, it was Ellie's school visit to Kings Park and I had volunteered to go along to boost the adult numbers. This was no easy job. I had 6 kids to look after, but there were crowds (about 2000) to contend with, and many activities to choose from.

My group wanted to look at the stand for the animal rescue sanctuary and then they discovered that the Santos Energy stand was giving away "slinkies" which were the must-have items of the day! We had to queue up a long time to achieve this goal!

Stroking the echidna

Ellie cycling on the Santos stand:  45 mins to re-charge an iPhone!

Ellie and friend dancing at lunchtime

Display of everlastings

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Spring is here

On Saturday we celebrated Claire's birthday with lunch at Sandalford's in the Swan Valley.

John and Claire enjoy their wine.  Guess who had to drive?

Ellie and the giant candelabra in the dining room

John carries off his booty

On Sunday - a glorious spring day - we went to have another look at the flowers in Kings Park.

Donkey orchids

Donkey orchids in profusion

Kangaroo Paw

Blue lady orchid

On Monday, with my new Fitbit spurring me on, I walked along the river where all the birds were out enjoying themselves.

Shall we go in?