Monday, February 29, 2016

Lion King

On Saturday we went to see Lion King at the Burswood Theatre. We had high expectations, as many people had told us it was the best show they had ever seen. The theatre was packed. The crowds were queuing for drinks and merchandise before it started. Claire said the management might as well have got patrons to simply empty their wallets at the door!

We all enjoyed it, young and old. E already knew the story, having seen the Disney cartoon version. We were impressed by the beautiful sets reminiscent of African landscapes and the complicated portrayals of animals on the Serengeti plains.

The show has now ended its Australian run and the Disney juggernaut is moving on, inside 4 huge container trucks parked outside the stage door.

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Stirling Ranges

The weather forecast for Perth was 40 degrees plus for the next 3 days, so we decided to extend our holiday a little to avoid the heat. We booked in at the Stirling Range Caravan Park for a night, but on arrival there we realised there was no escape at all!  The heatwave was everywhere! We had been there a couple of times before in milder conditions and I had actually climbed Bluff Knoll twice (the highest peak in WA).  This time, I walked 100 metres down the track at 5.30 p.m. and decided it was not a good idea! Time to go back to our rammed earth chalet for a beer and a stir fry for Chinese New Year.

Rammed earth cabin

Bluff Knoll

Grass tree on lower slopes

Neighbouring peaks

Next morning, after an early morning swim, we set off home via the one-horse town of Borden. I always have to say this rhyme when I pass through:

Lizzie Borden took an axe
And gave her mother forty whacks.
When she saw what she had done,
She gave her father forty-one.

Monday, February 8, 2016

Greens Pool and Rickety Gate

Friday was a perfect day for the beach, so we drove to Greens Pool for a swim. Two years ago when we visited, we were inundated with flies, which even followed us into the water. No such problems on this occasion! The temperature is always a bit cool in the Southern Ocean, but after a few moments that is all forgotten as the beach is so sheltered and the water so clear.

J went for a long walk along the beach and fell in a hole of soft sand, almost losing his stick in the water. A friendly couple came to his rescue. They turned out to be the owners of the Aiyana Retreat, having a morning off from their work.

A beautiful day for a swim...

..... or a rest in the shade

On Saturday evening we had booked to have dinner at the best restaurant in Denmark: Kirby's at Rickety Gate. When I looked at the map, I discovered it was a half hour's drive along Mt Shadforth Rd, so I couldn't indulge too much with the wine! The food was perfect, however! We had the set degustation menu for $85, which they only offer on the first Saturday of the month. There was a selection of entrees on a tasting plate, followed by a main of pork belly for me and lamb for J. Dessert was Creme brûlée. The red wine, a Cabernet with their own label, was the best I've had in a long time, and we left some in the bottle to enjoy next day.

Outside Rickety Gate

Tasting Plate

Pork belly with colcannon and black pudding

Friday, February 5, 2016


On Thursday we went for the day to Albany. First on the agenda was a visit to the new National Anzac Centre on Mt Clarence with fantastic views over King George's Sound, where the convoys assembled to set off for Gallipoli.

Each person is given a card with an individual to follow. I received a Turkish Officer, but went back and asked for a nurse instead. The sisters suffered great hardships during a very cold winter on the island of Lesbos, with not enough water to wash themselves or their patients. There was a lot to take in, but JL had no patience with all the electronics!

Thursday, February 4, 2016

Denmark: Francisca's Cottage

We have booked for 5 nights here: a delightful spot amongst the Karri trees at Weedon Hill. Fingers crossed for no bushfires! This is the view from our deck where we spend a lot of time watching the tiny wrens flit about in front of us:

We stopped at West Cape Howe Winery, now relocated to Mt Barker, where I photographed J and the Giant Wrens in the garden:

In the afternoon we went to reconnoiter the Denmark Rivermouth, where I did the 2 km walk on either side of the river:

Next day we drove along to Ocean Beach lookout and further to Lights Beach where there was a big surf.

Ocean Beach with Denmark behind

Lights Beach

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Holiday in Denmark

School holidays over, JL and I set off for a quiet trip to Denmark. We stopped off en route at Rob's place near Kojonup, where J's friend keeps a farm. This broke the journey nicely and enabled us to see all Rob's animals and vast acres: mainly black faced sheep as far as the eye could see. Near the house were spotted deer, a couple of goats, lots of hens of many different types as well as some beautiful horses.