Monday, July 4, 2016

Feral Brewery

We usually celebrate birthdays at Sandalfords in the Swan Valley. On Sunday, the restaurant was closed for Wedding Planning Day. Instead we tried Feral Brewery and were pleased that we did. Not only can you try many types of locally produced beer, but the menu is a delight, as they make fresh veggies the star of many dishes. When we arrived for a 12.30 booking, the place was packed and we had to go to the overflow car park. I made a quick inspection of the herb garden and noticed quite a lot of geese poking around: not sure if these would end up in the pot eventually!

Ellie and the geese

Part of our lunch of shared plates

We had:
Chorizo starter
Gnocchi with wild mushrooms, balsamic and creme fraiche
Cauliflower, flame raisin, smoked almonds, pearl barley
Roasted root veggies, labne, honey.
Claire's favourite beer was Boris, strong and dark, mine was Sly Fox , a very refreshing pale ale. A good time was had by all!