Saturday, January 22, 2022

In other news

The heatwave continues. It’s the longest I’ve ever known. The forecast itself was exceeded and a few times it reached 41 degrees. The plants on my balcony are struggling. The rocket is exhausted, but I’m hoping the tomato will survive.

The only thing to do is get up early to enjoy the cooler air or do a few jobs before it all becomes too much. Today we went to the beach to teach Rocky to swim, but it seems doggy paddle comes naturally to them:

At 7.00 am conditions were perfect! The sea was calm and the water very clear. There are short videos on my Instagram.

Afterwards we went to have breakfast at the beach cafe. Raisin toast came out but the coffees failed to materialise. The machine seemed to have broken down or had to be re-calibrated. E is now a trained barista, having worked at Maccas for a few months in her spare time. She gave us a running commentary of the manager’s worst nightmare as he tried to fix the problem and queues built up. My coffee was the first of the new batch, so not the best: she cast a critical eye on the froth. 

E is building up her bank balance with many shifts during the school holidays. Maccas, like many other businesses, are short staffed because of COVID. She has bought herself a bespoke computer, with a pink keyboard, a big curved monitor and a space-age box (CPU?) with all the works on view:

What's in the box, you might ask. I don't know the answer!

Wednesday, January 12, 2022

Those were the days

Those were the days, my friend
We thought they’d never end..

England 2004
Did we really drink pints?

On Hadrians Wall

23 Feb 2005
80th birthday party

From the invitation: sketches of John's engineering projects:
Raising Mundaring Weir 1947-51
Ord River Diversion Dam 1959-68
Onslow Saltworks 1988-97

Party photo at Matilda Bay


Kimberley Trips:

Mitchell Falls

Gibb River Road

Cruising on the Coral Princess

G and T at Gantheaume Point


Shelling prawns, January 2013

Kings Park bushwalk

Lunch in the garden,
Como Sept 2013

Near Exmouth, October 2013

Cowaramup, New Year 2013/14

Devil's Own Group Settlement Memorial,
Cowaramup, New Year 2013/14

Lunch at Sandalfords Winery,
June 2017

Afternoon tea at Kalamunda,
July 2017

Wooleen Station, July 2018

Dining in at Wooleen

Nats Club Xmas BBQ,
December 2018

Dining in at Mandurah,
January 2019

Dining in at Burswood,
April 2020

With Ellie and Rocky at Como,
August 2020


Cable Beach Club, June 2020


Bye, Mr Wolf