Monday, June 16, 2014

Madrid to Burgos, 28 April

The flight to Madrid arrived 20 minutes early, so there was plenty of time to find the ASLA counter near the exit of T4, purchase my ticket to Burgos and simply cross the road to find all the bus stops. The coach was very comfortable and it was a lovely sunny afternoon for the journey. I felt a bit worn out after 20 hours on a plane and just wanted to get to the end. The film being shown on board was "The Impossible", in English with Spanish subtitles, and I might have watched it if I hadn't already seen it on the plane last year!

On arrival in Burgos, I went straight to Meson del Cid where I had a booking for the following day. It was around 6.00 p.m. They were fully booked and extremely apologetic, saying that normally they would have expected to have a few spare rooms. The friendly receptionist phoned the Abba Hotel, some 200m. away, and got me a room for 70 E. This proved to be a good choice, a nice room with a small balcony which had a view of the cathedral spires beyond a park in the Castillo area. After a beer from the mini bar, I set off for a walk and purchased a few items from the small supermarket below the cathedral: bread, cheese, jamon and an orange to have later in my room. After all the meals on the plane, this was just what I needed.

The Abba Hotel was playing Abba music in reception, where I used their computer to send an email home. The hotel seemed to specialize in coach tours, as there were 2 enormous coaches parked outside. It also boasted a heated indoor pool, but I didn't have a cozzie with me. I turned in at 9.00 p.m. with a sleeping pill to combat any jet lag and slept soundly till the sky lightened at 7.00 a.m.


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