Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Ells Bells Cockle Shells

Ellie is 12 today. How time has flown since she arrived in Australia aged 6 months. She was born in England on the longest day and now celebrates her birthday on the shortest.

Here are a few photos from those years:

Feeding a quokka on Rottnest

Shelling prawns with JL; In the forest; New hairstyle at Quinn's; On the farm.

City to Surf; New camera in Kings Park; "Alice" in Book Week.

(Based on an idea from Local Kiwi Alien).

1 comment:

  1. Happy birthday Ells Bells cockle shells!! Does she like her new name?
    Utterly gorgeous girl, love her hair.
    Kronia polla! Many many happy returns.
    May Ells Bells cockle shells live long and in the greatest of health
