Tuesday, May 4, 2021


This is my last day in civilisation with good internet access. Tomorrow at 6.30 am I’m setting off for a 4WD camping trip around the Kimberley with Adventure Wild Tours. I may not be able to post much in the coming days; but I’ll be keeping a good written record of my doings!

I also want to say to everyone out there in the blogosphere that I seem unable to post comments. I read lots of blogs regularly and really really want to reply, but my words just disappear- even on my own blog. I’ve had this happen before and eventually worked out the problem, but I’m too short of time just now.

This morning I went for the traditional walk on Cable Beach at 7.00 am ( should have been earlier!). This year there were fewer people doing the same thing: and there are fewer people staying at Bali Hai. Not that I’m complaining as it’s quieter at the pool. However, it’s obvious that businesses have suffered. I drove out to the port and found the famous Wharf Restaurant was all closed up and its furniture removed. It was sad to see, as we’ve enjoyed many delicious  meals there in the past.

I resumed my search for missing items for the trip. I asked the manager of Bali Hai if he would sell me a pair of uniform shorts that all the girls wear who work in the resort. He told me to go to Totally WorkWear in the industrial estate. There were plenty of shorts to be had, but I had to settle for a black pair : not the best for this part of the world.

1 comment:

  1. Oh, dear. Black absorbs the sun's rays.
    Have a good camping expedition.
