Saturday, May 29, 2021

Carnarvon to Geraldton

It rained and rained all day, at times very heavily: cats and dogs, you might say. There was a lot of water on the road. The verges were soft and waterlogged so it was risky to pull off. The Prius does not have high clearance, so I was nervous about driving through puddles. In this part of the world, the road fell away into a big chasm a few months ago! I didn’t want to get bogged or worse still swept away. At the worst point, I stopped to see what other cars would do. One simply drove through on the wrong side of the road so I followed him.

When there was a break in the downpour, I stopped for a late lunch at the Galena Bridge rest area. I took a photo of the old bridge to gauge the height of the river. I thought I had taken the same photo on the way up, but not so:

There were lots of caravans in the rest area, sheltering from the storm. If they stay there all night, who knows how high the river will be in the morning?


  1. Nerve shattering trip. When I wished safe home, I had not idea!

  2. Thanks, Joanne! I'm home safely now - and suddenly find I can leave comments on blogs again. Why, I really don't know.
