Monday, September 27, 2021

Return to Wireless Hill

Back home, I wanted to make another trip to WH to search for orchids. It’s getting to the end of the season, so I wasn’t all that optimistic. However, things turned out better than expected. I went round the circuit twice and noted where other people had stopped to take photographs. Here are the results:

Carousel spider orchid

The kangaroo paws were prolific; the cats paws not so much. Most surprising was the number of invasive weeds (Watsonia from S.Africa). These look pretty but soon take over areas if they are not controlled.

Kangaroo Paws

Cats Paws


Cowslip orchids

Donkey orchids

We had morning tea by the car and I couldn’t help admiring my socks, knitted in Gallipoli colours:

A blue tongue lizard crossed my path.

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