Saturday, October 2, 2021

Blue Kangaroo Paw?

An article in a freebie local paper this week reported on a serendipitous plant breeding discovery at Kings Park: a blue kangaroo paw. We went in search of it yesterday…

The volunteer guide in the Information Centre directed us to the Waxes and Kangaroo Paw Garden. In a small area, there were kangaroo paws of many colours: bright red, yellow, pink, black - but no blue ones!

So-called black kangaroo paws... 

...with a lot of pale green on them.

The guide told me to look for the tallest of the plants, which had not quite opened. I did this, but these were clearly not blue ones: ones ones

Red ones with waxes behind.

In the end, we gave up and drove to Fremantle for F and C. 

The fishing boats were very blue!

When I got home, I googled till I found this article.

The volunteer guide had given me misinformation.  I'll have to try again later!

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