Tuesday, June 20, 2023

Onslow to Point Samson

I set off quite late, in order to let all the grey nomads and their caravans get away first. Just out of town, I pulled over to have a closer look at the ponds created by Onslow Salt on both sides of the road.

The shallow ponds are filled with seawater which gradually evaporates in the hot sun, leaving industrial grade salt behind. This is stockpiled and eventually transported to Japan and Korea.

It was a good day for driving. I stopped for lunch at Fortescue Roadhouse:

This is the view looking North.

At Point Samson, I found that my booking was at possibly the worst of the places to stay: Point Samson Resort. It’s very small and dead; hardly anybody is around, the wi-fi is slow and the TV is not working!

I went for a walk down to Honeymoon Cove, where there are some interesting rock formations:

I also found some nice wildflowers:

Sturts Desert Pea.

Beach Morning Glory.

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