Thursday, June 1, 2023

Valencia to Mallorca

The ferry to Palma de Mallorca left at 10.20 pm, so rather than hanging around like a lost soul in Valencia, I decided to check into a hotel. I looked for one near the Port: it was called the Sea You Hotel. This meant I could have a shower and a long rest in the afternoon. I was keen to try a paella in Valencia, as the dish originated here, I believe. The receptionist recommended the Pepica.  There was a long queue, stretching out past the kitchens where lots of paella dishes were on the gas:

When I finally got to the front, I was told that they only made paellas for two, so I had to go for something else. I chose a salad, grilled scallops and a beautiful concoction based on crème brûlée for dessert. First came some garlic bread:


This is part of the restaurant looking out onto the beach:

It was a huge place, extremely well organised. When I complained that the salad was too salty, the head waiter appeared straight away and they immediately brought me a new one! They also didn’t charge me for my glass of wine. Service!

At 8.15 pm I took a taxi to the port. All the foot passengers for the huge car ferry were collected onto a bus which drove us all into the bowels of the ship. The car deck was full of lorries, packed tightly side by side, with not an inch to spare. 


Mallorca is getting a few more police cars, being loaded last.

Arriving in Palma at 6.30 am. Beautiful sunrise over the Cathedral.

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