Wednesday, January 31, 2024

Disappearing photos

Today the temperature reached 40 degrees in Perth. I had an early swim in our pool and then shut myself indoors for the rest of the day. I’ve been reading through last year’s blog on the Camino. It was sad to see that all the photos had disappeared, leaving only text. The problem seemed to be with BlogTouch, the app I used posting, as it is much easier on my phone than going straight to Blogger. I discovered, too late, that the photos disappeared after one month.

This is just a test to see if it’s still happening. I’m posting a couple of photos of the ponds below my block. It seems that they are being drained: not a pretty sight:


  1. Suddenly I can no longer access your photos.

  2. They seem to disappear after a month. Not sure what the problem is.
