Tuesday, January 23, 2024

Sailing for Oranges

This is an unusual name for a restaurant, but it’s a very special restaurant.

My sister in England had seen a TV foody programme, featuring a restaurant called Emily Taylors in Fremantle. I went to investigate, thinking to have breakfast on Sunday morning. When I arrived, I found it didn’t open till 9.00 am. That can’t be right, I thought. Since it was just next to the markets, very busy with early morning shoppers, I went to see what was good and bought a tray of figs.

At 9.00 am, Emily Taylors opened but only for yum cha (not at all what I fancied). They advised me to walk down the road to their sister establishment: Sailing for Oranges. I had a luscious plateful of French toast cooked in the style of Spanish churros:

Best breakfast ever!

Looking across the street at SfO

Breakfast menu

What is behind the name?

On a ‘free settler’ ship called 'Sophia', that sailed to Fremantle in 185O, the journey was long and hot, so one of the sails was filled with seawater for bathing, and oranges were provided.

The restaurant serves many Spanish-inspired dishes. I want to come again for more! Just about everyone commented on the innovative menu as they went up to pay their bill. 

In the meantime, I had to go home and attend to my figs. We used to have a big tree at Quinns and figs in red wine was a favourite dessert.

Ready for the oven.

1 comment:

  1. That's a beautiful breakfast menu. I'd love to try their eggs Benedict.
