Sunday, July 12, 2015

Broome Day Three continued

The 3 girls went for a walk on Cable Beach after breakfast. It was quite windy out there. E wanted to collect a lot of shells to make a heart shape in the sand, which took a long time!

We lazed about all afternoon and then at 4.30 we drove to Gantheaume Point to see the sunset. Naturally we loaded up with G and T and nibbles, which we consumed greedily as the sun went down. A line of kayaks went by and several planes came into land. The shadows climbed over the red rocks and suddenly it was coming dark.

There are dinosaur footprints there, too:

We had dinner at the Bali Hai restaurant which was delicious. We should have eaten here sooner. E had sushi, beautifully prepared by their own female sushi chef. J had vegetable curry, M had laksa and C had tofu in peanut sauce, all made by the Chinese chef. The owner of the resort, Andy, rolled by in his wheelchair and had a long chat with us. He was entertaining a group of friends on a table for 10.

E swimming and J lounging.

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