Thursday, October 13, 2016

Hong Kong

(Written on 1st October)

Today is the 67th anniversary of People's Republic  of China, i.e. its National Day, when vast numbers of Chinese flood into HK to see the fireworks. These start at 9.00 p.m. across the harbour. I will not be going, but Val  is tempted. 

Millions of Filipino maids were milling around Central on their day off!  Some were sitting on collapsed cardboard boxes playing cards for money, others were packing up goods to send home and others were piling onto buses to go for a picnic on the beach. We took a bus to Stanley Markets and our bus was 90% Filipinos, all making a terrible din as they shouted at one another to be heard.

The bus route was quite scenic along the waters edge, past Repulse Bay and expensive high rise hotels and apartments. It was hot and humid inside the markets. The only nice things I saw were beautifully made linen clothes in extremely fine linen material, said to be made in Belgium. I later discovered they have their own website and mail order service at Vivid Linen.

HK is an example of urbanisation and consumerism gone mad. The crowds everywhere are horrendous and wearing, especially in the unaccustomed heat and humidity. But our Holiday Inn Executive Lounge is an area of tranquility. Every evening there are free drinks (just had 2 glasses of champagne) as well as lots of delicious nibbles which can replace dinner.

Our two tailors in HK, Joseph and Bowen. Val's family are longstanding customers and they took us out to lunch.

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