Monday, February 13, 2017

Après le deluge

Perth had 114 mm of rain on Friday night: a record for February. It left the old golf course under water; (view from our balcony, day and night shots):

After a few days, they brought in a small pump to drain the water away.  All manner of water birds had arrived in the meantime and slowly departed as their new pond disappeared.

We went for lunch in the Swan Valley to see the devastation of some of the vineyards nearest to the river.  The river had burst its banks in many places but I couldn't get a good photo from the car. 

We ate at Feral Brewery, where we'd enjoyed an excellent lunch some months ago. The beer is still good, but the kitchen has gone downhill and is no longer value for money.

Lamb shanks on flatbread:  pumpkin and couscous salad

Beautiful yellow flowering gum in the car park

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