Sunday, June 4, 2017


Progress Report: 2 months 

I can now put on my own socks! I have been driving my car for two weeks, though it's still hard getting in and out, especially if parked in a tight spot. I still sleep on my back, but occasionally try on my stomach just for a change. My physio has also suggested lying on my side, with my bad leg up on 2 pillows.

At the weekend I walked 4 kms and 3 kms.  This was a record. Normally I do 2 kms just around the gardens here. On Sunday it was beautiful weather for the HBF Run for a Reason: thousands and thousands of participants going past the new stadium. The last contingent were doing a 4 kms circuit, so I decided to do some of it as well.

I finished the last of my strong painkillers (Targin containing oxycodone) and decided not to get any more. After that the Panadol Osteo didn't do too much on their own, so I've stopped those as well. I just got tired of popping pills every day and want to rid my body of all the toxins.

On Wednesday I had another appointment with my surgeon GJ.  He asked me why I was still using my stick!  It is a lightweight one I bought in China in a market, and I've got used to it. It helps me walk faster and also gives me confidence going up and down steps.  (JL's sister Ann fell on some steps this week and is back in hospital with a lot of bruising and a suspected cracked rib.  Every day, he asks me to be careful and I am! I don't want a set back like that).

Monster agave plant in the gardens

Base of agave plant

Crown's helicopter waiting to go on scenic flight over Perth

From my favourite seat by the river, watching pelicans

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