Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Margaret's school photo

Fast forward 25 years: my first year at Grammar School.  We were very proud of our distinctive uniforms. The girls wore bottle green gymslips and ties.  The school blazers were red and green stripes: you couldn't miss them!  It was an expensive exercise getting kitted out for "Honley Grammar" and my Grandad paid for most of it.

I was the youngest in my class, mainly because my primary school headmaster had put me in early for the Eleven Plus exam. (He was a friend of my Grandad's!)  My schooldays were very happy, as I remember, though I couldn't do Maths or Latin very well, but loved History and English. In our class was an African American girl, Loma Brown.  It was the first time any of us had met a black person in the flesh. She was very clever and hard working.  This was before the mass migration of Pakistanis into Huddersfield.

That's me: middle row, 2nd from the left

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