Thursday, November 23, 2017


The day draws closer for the opening of Perth Stadium, recently named the Optus Stadium. A sponsorship deal was needed in the naming rights, since the whole thing cost too much and has depleted the state's coffers. We have witnessed them testing the lighting night after night, as various colours spin round the outside, apparently with the ability to display the colours of the teams taking part. The other day hundreds of buses arrived to practice getting away quickly after the match. A new train station with multiple platforms has also been built. The stadium holds 65,000 people and there is hardly any car parking. Our estate will employ security guards to prevent outsiders trying to park, as we are within walking distance. I am not looking forward to the noise. 

The first event is a one day cricket match between England and Australia on 28 January. C has obtained tickets for herself and JL. I will be happy to walk around the outside and admire the parklands and landscaping next to the river.

More info and videos are available on the official website:

View of the stadium at night from our balcony: testing the lights

Rehearsal for hundreds of buses (centre of pic) getting away with spectators after the match

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