Saturday, June 2, 2018

Other people's blogs

Every morning I have a cup of tea in bed and read other people's blogs. These are 3 of my favourites about Spain:

Trepidatious Traveller is Maggie's detailed account of her various pilgrimages. She has criss crossed the country in every direction towards Santiago, discovering and documenting little known Caminos, taking brilliant photos of flowers, animals, buildings and other pilgrims en route. She wants to assist those following after to find the way when the yellow arrows disappear. She is a walking machine - and all on a vegan diet this year.

Equus Asinus is written by an expat Brit who lives in southern Spain and keeps 4 donkeys. He was recently sacked from his job teaching Geography in an international school after attempting to mobilise the other staff to campaign for better working conditions. This week, he has been providing a running commentary about the Spanish political crisis. His colourful and outspoken comments probably need taking with a pinch of salt and some balanced reporting from The Guardian online, but his description of the crisis as a slow motion car crash is apt.

My Kitchen in Spain, written by an American expat, is full of mouth watering and authentic Spanish dishes, meticulously researched, but usually containing too many ingredients and needing too much work for the likes of me. However, a recent post on what to do with a bought roast chicken and the numerous meals that can be made with the leftovers, provides an inspiration to even the laziest cook.


  1. Thanks, I'll be looking up the first two. I already follow kitchen in Spain. Interesting to see what's going on in another med country

  2. I'm a bit crazy about Spain. When i'm not there I like to read about it!
