Sunday, September 23, 2018

Wungong Bushwalk

Yesterday was really too hot for bushwalking: 27 degrees in the afternoon!  We arrived back heat exhausted and possibly de-hydrated. The speed of the group was a bit too fast for me. We covered about 13 kms, walking from the main road (SW Highway) up to the Wungong Dam and back again. There are shady picnic spots on both side of the dam wall. People opted for the far one. There was a lovely cooling breeze coming off the water as we walked across. We noticed smoke from a bushfire on one hill to our right. The fire was, fortunately, heading towards the water. Maybe it was a controlled burn?

The air was thick with sweet-smelling blossom from this shrub
which used to grow in JL's garden at Quinns
Blue leschenaultia and white Swan River myrtle
Close-up, out of focus
Water flowing down granite outcrop
Remains of granite quarry
Native clematis
Clematis close-up
Hillside full of Xanthorrhoea
(previously called Blackboy, now no longer pc)

More info and lovely photos here

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