Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Cottesloe Beach

A hot day, so a trip to the beach is always a good idea. The sculptures are now gone, so it's just swimmers and sunbathers. I had a quick swim then a long sit in the shade. There was also a school group having a life saving class, with half of them pretending to drown whilst the others paddled out to rescue them on surfboards. Better than being in school!

Kids F and C for lunch

Friday, March 15, 2019

Explosion of Fungi

On Saturday it rained the whole day (which is very unusual in Perth at this time of year). The humidity reached Singapore standards. Two days later I went for a walk along the river to try out my new Pacer Poles in preparation for this year's Camino.

The poles were fantastic and really appeared to propel me along! The rain had also brought out an explosion of fungi, so I had to stop and take a few photos. They had sprung up from the leaf litter below the trees. Two days later they were gone! The hot weather didn't suit them.

I think these are a type of Umbrella Mycena.

There were hundreds of these thrusting through the leaf litter.

Bronze swan statue and fountain,
commemorating WA Australians of the Year.

Friday, March 8, 2019

Sculpture by the Sea Part 2

With 71 exhibits to see, a second visit was called for on a Friday evening, so that E and C could join us at Cottesloe.

I returned to the aboriginal installation, as I really liked the idea of basing it on emu feathers. This time lots of kids were allowed to play inside it and even "wear" the grass skirts.

Miyarnu Bundara

Kids playing in the installation

Draw Houses Make Houses

Based on Primary School students' drawings of their
shanty town (a proposed demolition site in Hunan, China).
Constructed in wire.

Oat = the part of a boat that makes it float

Constructed entirely from cable ties

Kuma Room
A small hut in the form of a bear's head

E and C with Pods;
Kuma Room in the background
For some reason, E and C were dressed in black ready for a cat burglaring expedition. First they had to fortify themselves with F and C at Amberjack's!

Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Sculpture by the Sea

Time to visit the annual event on Cottesloe Beach. It was a slightly overcast day after a very hot weekend when the temperature reached 40 degrees. There were lots of people on the beach. The car parks were full even on a weekday. This year there seemed to be an abundance of Japanese entries.

Looking down from the prom



A seedling and it moves in the breeze

Indigenous artist describing how the stars were created.
They were ants blown from a hollow tree trunk into the sky.

Artists talking about their work 

Made from emu feathers

She sells sea shells
My favourite; it's based on sketches of shells.
Many more (and better) photos here.