Sunday, November 24, 2019

Quinns Bushwalk

This walk attracted me because it was going to my old haunts of Quinns Rocks where we used to have a beach house. I haven’t been out with the group for months because of my gammy knee. I knew the pace would probably be too fast for me (and it was), but it was possible to turn back at any point, sit and get a coffee.

It was a lovely morning for a 7.30 am start, though very breezy and the sea was too choppy to think of going for a swim. 

Near Mindarie Marina.

Looking north.

Hundreds of kids arrived at the Surf Club for lessons.

Lovely coastline.

My friend V has recently acquired a retired greyhound. These dogs are put out for adoption when they can no longer race. (C and E wanted to do this, but their cat went beserk when one came to visit!).  V’s dog apparently won $80,000 in prize money and had 3 litters of puppies before being retired. She came for part of the walk and then got taken home before it got too hot.

She was very quiet and calm, having been properly socialised by the adoption programme and, being a fairly old dog, was placed in a household of a similar age group.


  1. So, did you go back with the greyhound? That tile porch is lovely.

  2. Yes, we went back for a cider! They make ceramic tiles really well here.
