Thursday, February 13, 2020


We’ve just had the hottest January on record. OK, I came to Australia for better weather so I shouldn’t complain - but I do! In winter, in England, we used to hibernate but here it’s the opposite: we just have to stay inside in our air conditioning till it cools down. I’ve been getting on with my crafts: a wrap for TV viewing on cold nights, consisting of knitted squares crocheted together.

The squares are plain knitting with 40 sts cast on. Most are in very dark navy blue. The other colours are  4 ply crepe wool, left over from a tapestry cushion that I made in my 20’s in Florentine stitch, which fascinated me at the time:

I’m now prepared for any cold nights, if and when they arrive!


  1. Hi Margaret. You may be interested to know that the College has applied for permission to open a state boarding prep school for 8 to 11 year olds, £11,000 fees per annum, which is cheap compared to other prep schools. The application has locally been given the go ahead.

    1. Interesting; I suppose they will have to put up more buildings. Are the Nissen huts still in use? Surely not? I always think 8 is a bit young to be sent away from home.

    2. Yes, new block for it. The site is very different to when you were there I would imagine, it looks more like a university village. The Nissen huts are no longer there. I have worked with many who went to boarding school at 8 and enjoyed it and survived. And with both parents working it makes boarding a very attractive option.

  2. Whilst undoubtedly cool here in Spain by Australia's recent standards, my knitting time is being severely impacted by sticky hands. I don't imagine you would be able to go near anything yarny for much of your year in the absence of aircon?

    1. I generally knit while watching TV in the evening. By then the aircon has been on since lunchtime, so its perfectly OK. Our apartment faces west, so we get late afternoon sun. This is lovely in winter when we dont need any heating at all, but its a pest on hot summer days! What to knit next? Socks are a bit too complicated with one eye on the screen.

  3. I must get back to socks. My knitting bag (zipped closed to deter the cat) sits by my chair in front of the TV. I must get back to socks....
