Sunday, March 5, 2023

Return to the wreck

The Nats Club scheduled another visit to the Omeo Wreck for Sunday morning at 8.00 am. On a long weekend, I knew it was going to be busy. Jolanda and Alan were in charge. They had brought along plenty of gear as they do a lot of diving and underwater photography. They offered to lend me some, but I have enough to do just looking after myself, let alone a camera. My wetsuit and snorkel were enough.

The water felt quite warm after our long hot summer, but there was a sneaky little breeze from the south which stirred up the water. It was low tide, so you could almost wade out to the wreck, but there were too many other people getting in the way. I watched a shoal of little fish feasting on the carcass of a bigger one lying dead on the bottom: that’s Nature.

Underwater shot of me snorkelling

... and another!

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