Monday, August 14, 2023

Wireless Hill

Yesterday was a lovely still and sunny day, so I made the most of it by driving up to Wireless Hill, our nearest wildflower reserve.

General view of the reserve

At this time of year, everyone starts looking for orchids. These are few and far between, so you have to walk slowly along the paths, glancing carefully from side to side. JL was much better at spotting them, having grown up in the country where he and his sister used to pick bunches of them for their mother.

Cowslip orchids

These spider orchids are my all-time favourites but I didn’t manage to find any:

These were the most prolific:

Donkey Orchids

Kangaroo Paw

Native violets

Parrot Bush

Running Postman

Zamia Palm

As I was about to leave the reserve, I was rewarded by the sight of two blue-tongue lizards sunning themselves just beside the track. I must have spooked one of them and he slowly moved away to hide:

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