Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Samos to San Mamede (Sarria)

After a quick breakfast, I set off from Samos at 9.00 am. There were very few pilgrims walking this route, only a few cyclists whizzing past. I soon left the road for muddy tracks and country lanes, uphill and down dale. With only about 10 kms to go, I could afford to take my time.

Lots of wild flowers, lots of cows, birds singing and a fast flowing stream beside the track all the way. There was nowhere to stop for a coffee till I joined the main Camino just before San Mamede. Here there were suddenly many pilgrims who had come on the direct route. I had to queue up for a beer and a tortilla. 

Just down the road I came to a little oasis on the Camino:  Albergue Paloma y Lena, a place highly recommend, where I had booked a private room for the night. It is a new place, very welcoming, with a vegetarian dinner tonight! I have just been chatting to a couple from Rockingham who have walked all the way from St Jean Pied de Port. They bought me a beer and we sat on the garden during a brief sunny spell.

They will not run out of firewood!

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