Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Triacastela to Samos

It was a very chilly morning as I left Casa David, well wrapped up in hat and gloves. It was only 5 degrees but FINE and SUNNY!  I only had 10 kms to walk to Samos, but it took longer than I thought. The path was up and down all the way, first following the road and then on a woodland track meandering beside the Rio Oribio.

There was absolutely nothing open for a coffee or a toilet stop. One little village, Lastire, had about 6 signs ordering "No camping, no littering and no going to the loo".  Why on earth don't they build a few public conveniences on the Camino???  As it was, I simply had to go inside a ruined shack!

As the track descended to Samos, I suddenly turned a corner and found myself looking down on the largest monastery in Spain. The church bells were just striking 12.00 o'clock.

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