Saturday, April 9, 2016

Around Walpole

From Coalmine Beach Caravan Park, the Bibbulmun Track goes westward towards Walpole, about a 3 km walk.  In town, many Bibbulmun hikers rest up for a day or do, and get their shopping and laundry done. On Wednesday morning, I decided to walk into town on my own to see what I could see without distractions.  There were lots more flowers than I would have expected at this time of year.

Red flowering gum

Beaufortia beside the track

Kangaroo paws out of season

Most of the Nats had gone for a boat trip around the inlet, with morning tea on the sand dunes looking out to sea.  I had done this trip a few years previously and didn't want to pay good money to do it a second time.  Instead I had a nice cup of coffee in town and then walked down to the boat ramp to meet everyone coming back.

Wilderness Ecocruise boat returning
We had a picnic lunch near the Visitors Centre and then did a short circular walk behind the Centre, a spot where the local horses were corralled in the early Group Settlement days.

Karri Sheok with lovely bark and lichen. The bark resembles Portuguese cork trees.

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