Tuesday, April 19, 2016


On Monday, Ellie's choice was to drive to Cowaramup where the Candy Cow sweet shop attracts kids from miles around and because they're on holiday, parents can't refuse!  JL also likes to visit the scene of his boyhood on the Group Settlement Scheme.

Also known as Cow Town, Cowaramup has had its Main Street decorated with life sized cows for the last few years and these have proved a great tourist attraction. Cows are everywhere you look. C said they have milked the cow connection for all it's worth.

Claire and Ellie selecting goodies in Candy Cow

JL found some errors in this notice

After lunch and a siesta, we went to Madfish for a little wine tasting, and bought six of their new season's Merlot. C and E had a game of Bocce outside. It was rather a dull, drizzly day.  We came back via Margaret River and called into the Settlets Tavern for one of their boutique beers. 

In the evening we played Scrabble.  Did I say there is no TV reception at Tarabuco? (No wi-fi, either!) J didn't want to play but agreed to provide $5 for the Scabble winner. E won by one point, by some miracle!

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