Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Bibbulmun Track Bushwalking

While  most of the Nats set off to climb Mount Frankland, five intrepid bushwalkers embarked on a 16 km hike along the Bibbulmun Track in the direction of Denmark. Our target was to have lunch at the Giant Tingle Tree and then to return the way we had come.  I was keen to do this walk as training for the Camino, which I would be doing in 5 weeks time.

Lutz and Peter spent a long time debating the differences between tingle nuts and other types of gum nuts, but couldn't arrive at a consensus.

Katsu had developed an interest in fungi and was determined to photograph as many as possible.

We stopped for morning tea at Hilltop Lookout and enjoyed a panoramic view over the inlet, though the day was a bit cloudy.  We chatted to 2 local cyclists with splendid mountain bikes.

The giant tingles seemed to get bigger and more ancient as we walked along, some with huge buttress roots, which provided a cave-like shelter and a good photo opportunity.

Red tingle trees (eucalyptus jacksonii) have the broadest trunk of any tree in WA. Their trunks have often split open and have been burnt inside by bushfires. One tree, no longer standing, had a base that was large enough to drive a car into!

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