Sunday, June 12, 2016


Barcelona: so much to see and so little time!

My hotel, the K&K Picasso is in the El Born district, within walking distance of the Gothic Quarter. Last night I explored the area close by, in particular the old covered market which has now become a cultural centre. When the renovations were being done a few years ago, they discovered the remains of the city streets 300 years ago. The ensuing archaeological excavations now form a permanent exhibition "Barcelona 1700".


This morning I made my way first to the Gothic Cathedral, which seemed huge inside, as compared with all the small Romanesque churches I've been seeing on this trip.

There was a service going on, so I sat and listened to the singing for a while. Those not taking part were effectively fenced off at the back; more and more people arrived just wanting to "visit". The singing was beautiful, but many, many people wanted to look around as opposed to the handful going to mass. There were a lot of cathedral officials employed just to man the barricades!

Gothic cathedral

Sculpture of a ballet dancer outside the Cathedral.

Next stop: the blue sightseeing bus, due in 12 mins., so just time to sample a Starbucks flat white with vanilla sprinkles!  A couple of pics taken from the bus:

Armed police on duty outside La Pedrera, a Gaudi house.

I should explain that I did all the Gaudi monuments a few years ago, so no need to do repeat visits and compete with massive crowds!

Looking up from the mini courtyard garden of my hotel.

1 comment:

  1. I am truly enjoying this Margaret. I believe we should have arranged a meeting together in Barcelona if only for one/two nights. I understand when you say so much to see and so little time, and the Gaudi monuments I would in future give them a miss too and be happy if I just "bumped" into one from time to time.
