Friday, June 10, 2016

Jaca to Zaragoza

Jaca to Zaragoza

Recent Expenses
Hosteleria Santa Cruz 65€
Taxi to Jaca 30€
Half board at Hotel el Acebo 50.5€
Bus to Zaragoza 15.5€

The bus to Zaragoza left at 11.00 a.m. So I had a bit of time after breakfast to visit the Diocesian Museum, which has a magnificent collection of early medieval wall paintings rescued from various churches in the area. For example, the paintings from Iglesia de San Juan Bautista en Ruesta, Zaragoza are on display in the monks' refectory.   

There is a 2nd room devoted to 1080 to 1096 one huge collection from Bagues in Zaragoza.

The bus took just over 2 hours, most of it on the Motorway. The tourist info office in Jaca had given me a map of Zaragoza so that I could orientate myself and decide where to stay. They also gave me the news that the Spanish trains are now on strike, but fortunately for me it is a "one day on and one day off" affair. I am travelling tomorrow, Saturday, when they are said to be working.

I'm staying tonight at the Hotel Reino de Aragon, one of the Silken Group which I have patronised before. On arrival, I went down the street to the Golden Arches for a quick Quarter Pounder before retiring for a long siesta.

Poster for Diocesian Museum

The Cathedral looking across the cloisters.

Now some pics that will mean something to only one reader of this little blog. What are they?  (Answer tomorrow!)


  1. The bridge pavilion. Designed by Zaha Hadid, who died way too soon in March this year.
    Have a safe journey home and we three can have lunch together again.
