Thursday, June 9, 2016

San Juan de la Pena

I left at 8.30 this morning to try and get most of the climb done before it got too hot. I had dinner last night with a friendly couple from Belgium, who told me they had done it in 2 hours. My ambition was to do it in 3! I left my backpack at the Hospederia in Santa Cruz and made use of my new lightweight daypack. It was a steep climb, though, lots of wildflowers and stunning views of snow covered Pyrenean peaks in the far distance. As I climbed, I seemed to be matching them in height. The monastery of San Juan de la Pena stands at 1220 m.  It felt a bit like climbing Bluff Knoll. At the time, it seemed perfectly doable, but now at the end of the day I feel worn out!  It was an achievement to get to see this monastery, I think. It's very location is impressive, built into an overhang of the rock.

The church at Santa Cruz floodlit at 10 pm ( the view from my window, yes really!)

This was the view ahead at 8.30 a.m. I was climbing to the highest point on the photo!

After an hour, this was the view of Santa Cruz looking back.

Wildflowers en route

The monastery cut into the Rock

The lower chamber

Wall painting

The Cloisters

Carving in the Cloisters: the Annunciation

Replica of the Holy Grail, which was supposedly hidden in this monastery to save it from the Moslem invaders 

Back at the Hospederia where people were having a drink whilst waiting for their lunch to cook on the grill. I couldn't eat anything except a few peanuts with a beer and a fizzy water. I had begged a lift down with a friendly Spanish couple on a 4WD, but they refused to let me buy them a drink!


  1. That monastery looks worth the walk.

  2. Beautiful photos Margaret. I have nothing but admiration for the climb. Buen Camino.
