Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Evora to Lagos

Five hours on a train is surprisingly tiring. It was a complicated journey with two changes: 

We passed miles and miles of cork oaks. When the cork has been cut, the “wound” shows up as dark red and it takes 9 years to grow again.

After Tunes, the train line turned west and went parallel to the coast, but inland from the sea. Soon we were in the midst of resort-style villas and holiday apartments. This is the Algarve. I’ve never been here before. We saw at least 4 golf courses. There is a drought here apparently, but they ensure that  the greens get watered.

Arriving in Lagos, it was considerably cooler than Evora by about 10 degrees, with a stiff sea breeze blowing. My hotel, the Marina Rio, is conveniently close to the train station (accessed by a pedestrian bridge over the marina) and the bus station is right behind it. There’s also a supermarket just down the road, so for the first time this holiday I bought some supplies for dinner instead of going out to a restaurant: chicken drumsticks, bread, tomatoes, grapes and a carton of red. The supermarket was little England!

View from my balcony across the marina.

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