Wednesday, October 2, 2019

More from Conimbriga

The site has a large number of mosaics in situ. They are very well preserved. The most famous are in the House of the Fountains, a palatial residence of the type rarely seen outside Rome:

This shows the deep excavation below floor level in the House of the Fountains which appear to be cellars.

Part of the Roman road going south, with the House of the Fountains on the right.

Hunting scene.

Part of the hastily built defensive wall against the threat from the Swabian invaders.

More lovely mosaics.

Time for sit down and a glass of sparkling water!


  1. Based on this post and the previous one I've just put a pin in Google Maps so that if we find ourselves in that area we'll hopefully remember to go and visit the ruins. Looks like our cup of tea.

  2. Yes it’s an excellent site and all the signs are in English as well as Portuguese. Now in Lisbon and overwhelmed with what to see first!
