Friday, October 4, 2019


Lisbon must be the most exhausting city I’ve ever been in!  It’s all up and down on cobbled streets and uneven pavements. I was advised to take the No. 28 tram up to the Cathedral and it was already full at 9.00 am.

The Romanesque Cathedral was rather a mixture of styles, as it was adapted and changed over the years. I found it difficult to distinguish what was original.

View across the transept.

Just nearby is the Resistance Museum with lots of information from the Salazar dictatorship. In fact, there is far too much information to be readily absorbed. I found it rather claustrophobic as it covers four or five floors and only the top one, the cafeteria, is air conditioned.

Illicit printing press.

Tiny cell.

View from the window of renovation work in the Cathedral cloisters.

View of the cathedral towers from one of the top floors

The room celebrating the end of the dictatorship in 1974.

1 comment:

  1. See my comment on previous post. I dont know why it came out there.
