Sunday, November 8, 2020

Burswood Park

"Farmers" Market

Burswood Park Board are attempting to make the place more popular by adding attractions and events. I have given feedback when they were seeking this from the community: that it was just perfect as it is. No improvements needed (especially not anything noise-generating). Today was the first of a series of Sunday Farmers’ Markets. There are already too many of these in the area, so I imagine that stall holders were committed elsewhere. It was a pretty poor showing, with hardly any actual produce from farms. The most popular offerings were in the form of numerous coffee vans. I didn’t buy anything, but took a few photos of the spring flowers just coming into bloom:

White Agapanthus

Princess Lilies

I sat down for a while on my favourite park bench in the shade. Something was happening on the opposite side of the lake. People were arriving for an open air wedding. I’ve photographed weddings in St Petersburg and Salamanca, so this one close to home could be added to the list. For a long time, I could only see men in suits. Could this be a gay wedding? Finally a glimpse of a long white dress appeared through the trees. This was it! 

See my Instagram account for a short video.

Baby coots swimming near their nest.

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