Saturday, November 28, 2020

Esperance to The Stirlings

First, a few pics from my last night in Esperance:

View from my balcony towards the sea.

Preparing a stir-fry in the kitchen area upstairs.
The only real problem was an infestation of tiny black ants that came out of the woodwork! They were particularly fond of committing suicide in the kettle.

The trip to the Stirling Range Retreat took forever: the longest leg of this holiday, especially as I took a wrong turn at Ongerup and had to go back. I did manage to see the Malleefowl Centre this time though:

They are inside two large aviaries and are very shy.

She is resting an injured leg.

This is a stuffed one.

The Centre rears chicks and releases them into the wild. They raised 17 last year. Without human intervention only about 2% of hatchlings would survive since the parent birds do nothing to assist them. The eggs are laid in huge mounds where a specific temperature is maintained through solar energy and composting over several months. After that Mum and Dad take no further interest. Nature is strange.

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