Monday, November 23, 2020

Woody Island Boat Trip

The temperature in Esperance is forecast for 40 degrees today, so it’s time to head to the water. Even though I hate the thought of rough seas, I decided to take the risk and book a boat trip to Woody Island. I’m happy to say the one hour trip went well (not exactly smooth sailing, but no disastrous stomach issues).

Leaving Esperance, we saw the bulk carrier was still loading grain: it must take over 24 hours:

The catamaran cut through the water at speed, riding the waves very well and leaving a big snowy white wake behind:

I stood at the back the whole way, my eyes on the horizon: it worked!  We stopped alongside several small uninhabited islands en route and spotted seals and white-bellied sea eagles:

We landed on Woody Island where they gave us morning tea in a beautifully shaded canteen area, open to the breezes and looking back towards Esperance. A guided hike is on offer, but it’s all up hill and just too darn hot for me. Most people have gone, including H.

It’s possibly to “glamp” on the island if you want:

H took this photo from the hike, looking towards Cape Le Grand, where we are heading tomorrow.


  1. That ship is loading iron ore - from the Koolyanobbing mine between Perth & Kalgoorlie. I think it goes to Esperance rather than Fremantle as there's more space there to stockpile it for export. Also it promotes the regions & relieves pressure on the port infrastructure here in Freo.
