Monday, January 25, 2021

Early morning walk

Up with the lark today (or rather the noisy magpies) I went to explore the birdwatchers paradise right next door. I was taken with the spoonbills scooping up food in their wide beaks:

I met a real birdwatcher, dressed in camouflage from head to toe, with the longest paparazzi-style lens that you ever saw. She was sitting on a little stool, focussing on all the waterbirds. She posts her photos on Instagram under @treehuggerjess and has 3.5k followers!

Later I met a kangaroo and we had a staring match for a minute or two before he bounded away:

After breakfast we made a trip to Dolphin Quay. I went for a swim whilst C and E preferred to see if any shops were open. The beach outside Seashells Resort was the scene of our close encounter with dolphins two years ago. On that overcast day, the beach was very quiet so the dolphins came close into shore. On a sunny Australia Day it was a different matter:

Back at the ranch, the pool was deserted for a change. We had a turn in the hot spa and E took a few selfies:

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