Sunday, January 17, 2021

Sunday at South Beach

Another early morning beach walk took me to an old favourite spot, but I again found myself on a dog beach. I shall have to be more careful in future.

I was soon tempted by thoughts of breakfast:

Strawberry pancakes. This was a bit gluttonous!  I needed to swim off all these calories, but the water seemed to be full of jellyfish. I overheard discussions as to whether they were poisonous or not (some had no tentacles, so were deemed to be safe). I was reluctant to take a chance, since I had been badly attacked by stingers in the past on Rottnest. I had a quick swim and then retreated to do a bit of photography instead.

Back home, one of my cacti had produced an amazing flower:

Later, I produced an amazing pie following a recipe from Telltale Food on Instagram. This is a leek and potato pie with added cheese. (He used Cheddar whilst I put in Gorgonzola and a few drops of white wine - and I think my adaptation was brilliant, though I say it myself!)

As was the sunset:

1 comment:

  1. Brilliant, top to bottom, including avoiding jellyfish stings.
